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After losing my 3 beloved cats to old age in 2016 I began to rebuild my cat family in October, with cats rescued from my local RSPCA branch.  First came Shadowcat, a 3 year old who was terribly nervous and took a long time to learn to trust.  Next came Schmoo, another shy lady on 1 who suffers from gingivitis in a bad way so she can be a little grumpy at times.  Floki was number 3 - at 5 months old him and his mother and litter were rescued from terrible circumstances, but he's such a bright and cheeky young lad nowadays you'd never know his past!  Number 4 was Flynn, a 5 year old who's enormous and rather intimidating, he got bypassed at the shelter for a long time as people couldn't see past the scary exterior to the big softie underneath.  Then a month ago Ivar, Floki's full litter brother came to live with us as his previous home hadn't worked out.  I can safely say my cat family is complete for now, but i'm enjoying writing about them and their antics and drawing pictures of them, hence my first book "All About Floki"


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